- Attendance policy
- Attendance, Punctuality and Late Collection Policy
- Behaviour and Culture for Learning Policy
- Changing for PE
- EYFS Phased Start (Post September)
- Intimate care Policy
- More Able Policy
- RSE Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
- SEND Policy Aspinal
- Smoke Free Policy
- Sun Protection Policy
- Supplementary Privacy Notice
National Policies
- Allergy Awareness Policy
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Behaviour & Pastoral Care Policy
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- E-Safety Policy
- Early Years Policy
- Exclusions Policy
- Guidance on Data Protection Consent in Oasis Academies
- Health and Safety Policy
- Induction Policy for Early Careers Teachers
- Intimate Care Policy
- Major and Critical Incident Policy
- Medical Needs and Medicines Policy
- Parental Code of Conduct Policy
- Recruitment and Selection Policy
- Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Policy
- Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
- SEND Policy
- Sex and Relationship Education Policy
- Staff Code of Conduct Policy
- Student Equality and Inclusion Policy
- Subject Access Request Policy
- Uniform Policy
- Whistle Blowing Policy
If you would like a paper copy of any of the above policies, then please ask at the School Office and this will be provided free of charge.
Parent Feedback
If a parent/carer is unhappy about something or has any concerns about anything to do with the academy, they should communicate this as soon as possible. If a parent has a complaint regarding SEN they should contact the SENDCO (Mr Foster) in the first instant.
In the first instance parents should discuss any concerns with the class teacher. Most concerns or issues can be addressed informally at this stage. Teachers are available for informal discussions at the end of the academy day or by appointment.
If any issue remains unresolved, parents should arrange an appointment with the Assistant Principal. If it is difficult to discuss a matter with the class teacher, an appointment should be made directly with the Assistant Principal.
The Assistant Principal will investigate any concerns raised and inform the parent of their findings. In most cases, the issue will have been resolved by this stage. However, if parents are still unhappy, they can speak with the Deputy Principal as the next step and then a formal complaint in writing addressed to the Principal.
If all the above stages fail to resolve the issue, parents should make a formal complaint in writing addressed to the Regional Director. The Regional Director is responsible for acknowledging, investigating and responding to such formal complaints about the academy. Further details are available in the academy’s Complaint Procedure or available by request from the main office.